12/1/22: I just found out that most of the commentaries on the Bible Study Tools website are no longer free. That's where most of the quotes that appear on the "Verse of the Day" and "Previous Verses" pages of my website are taken from, so from now on, many of the "Source:" links that I provide on those pages will not contain the quoted text.
I was disgusted to read about the organization's new "PLUS" membership, and the only thing I can say about it is that the Bible has this warning in 1 Timothy 6:10 for the owner of Bible Study Tools: "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
8/8/21: Something is wrong with my Christian forum. Everything seems to be working normally (i.e., the articles are there, and the links work), but for some reason, the forum's format has changed slightly, and I am currently unable to post anything new.
I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully, the problem is only temporay and will be fixed soon.
"Verse of the Day"
Bible Verses
"Verse of the Day"
Bible Verses
Previous Verses
October 22-31, 2024
See "Oct '24A" in Archives for Verses 1-21. Unfortunately, I ran out of space in this month's file.
Almighty God Hates Witchcraft
Moses said this to the Jewish people in Old Testament times, but these warnings about witchcraft also apply to us:
Deuteronomy 18:9: "When thou art [when you (the children of Israel) have] come into the land [Canaan] which the LORD thy [your] God giveth thee [gives you], thou shalt not [you shall not] learn to do after the abominations [wicked practices] of those nations."
Deuteronomy 18:10,11: "There shall not be found among you
"any one that maketh[who makes]his[or her]son or his[or her]daughter to pass through the fire[in a religious rite (ceremony) involving Moloch, the fire-god, which involved sacrificing children to idols--see note below*],
"or[anyone]that useth[who uses or practices]divination[such as fortune-telling or other supernatural means][to predict the future],
"or[anyone who is]an observer of times[i.e., an astrologer or stargazer (someone who looks to the stars for guidance); examples include checking a horoscope],
"or[anyone who is]an enchanter[a magician],
"or[anyone who is]a witch[a girl or woman with magic powers],
"Or[anyone who is]a charmer[for example, a snake charmer or other person who uses the power of enchantment],
"or[anyone who is]a consulter with familiar spirits[someone, like a medium, who speaks to demons],
"or[anyone who is]a wizard[a boy or man with magic powers],
"or[anyone who is]a necromancer[a person who communicates with the dead]."
Deuteronomy 18:12: "[This was the reason for Moses' warning:]For[because]all[people]that do[any of]these things[listed above]are an abomination[a detestable (hateful) thing]unto the LORD: and because of these abominations [wicked practices] the LORD thy God doth [does] drive them [the nations that do these things] out [of their land] from before thee [you, referring to the Jewish people]."
*Here's how John Gill (a Bible commentator) explained what "There shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire" means:
"To Moloch [a false god], which was a sort of lustration [ceremonial purification] by fire, two fires being made, and the child led by a priest between them [the two fires], and which was an initiation of him [or her--the child] into the religion of that deity [false god], and devoting him [or her--the child] to it; so Jarchi says, this is the service of Moloch, making piles of fire here and there (on this side and on that [side]), and causing (the children) to pass between them both. Besides this they used to burn them [the children] with fire to this deity, perhaps after the performance of this ceremony …"
Leviticus 19:31: "Regard not[turn away from]them that have familiar spirits[people who have demonic (evil) spirits that serve them (which are also known as 'spirit guides'), especially when they (the people with 'familiar spirits') are in the business of contacting the dead], neither seek after[meaning 'don't associate or consult with']wizards[people, such as magicians, sorcerers, fortune tellers, etc., who use supernatural power to influence the course of events or predict the future], to be defiled[corrupted, polluted, or made dirty or unclean]by them: I am the LORD your God."
According to Matthew Henry, this verse is:
"… [a] caution against all communion [close relationships] with witches, and those [people] that were in league with [or working closely with] familiar spirits: 'Regard them not[do not pay attention to them (the witches)], seek not[do not seek]after them, be not [do not be] in fear of any evil from them nor in hopes of any good from them. Regard not [do not regard] their threatenings, or promises, or predictions; seek not [do not look] to them for discovery or advice, for [because], if you do, you are defiled [corrupted] by it, and rendered [caused to become] abominable [detestable] both to God and your own consciences.' This was the sin that completed [King] Saul's wickedness, for which he was rejected of [or 'by'] God, 1 Chron 10:13 [see note below*]"
*King Saul died because he went to see the Witch of Endor. That story is told in the following article: "Did the witch of Endor really summon [the prophet named] Samuel from the dead (1 Samuel 28:7-20)?" If you want to read it, here's the link: https://www.gotquestions.org/witch-of-endor.html.
Proverbs 29:9: "If a wise man[or woman or child]contendeth[contends; has an argument, disagreement, or debate]with a foolish man[person], whether he [or she, referring to the 'foolish man'] rage [becomes angry and/or violent] or laugh [makes fun of the 'wise man,' doesn't take the 'wise man' seriously, etc.], there is no rest[quietness, peace][for the 'wise man']."
In commenting on the above verse, Pastor Jim Delany of Salem Bible Church said, "While Solomon doesn't make any specific commands in this proverb, the point is pretty clear: don't even ENTER into a debate with a fool!" That's because "It is a losing proposition."
* * * * *
Here are some excerpts from Pastor Delany's commentary:
"4. The main point [in Proverb 29:9] is the fact that it is a wise man [or woman] arguing with a fool.
"a. Given [taking into account, or considering] the two parties [people involved] in this dispute [disagreement, argument, debate], one might think that the debate would be a slam dunk [easy win] for the wise man.
"b. The wise man has wisdom and knowledge. He has discernment [good judgment]. He probably has a good mastery [command] of the language too.
"c. Prov. 15:7 -- ;The lips of the wise disperse knowledge: but the heart of the foolish doeth not so.; The wise man has a good grasp of the knowledge needed in the debate.
"d. Prov. 18:6-7 -- 'A fool's lips enter into contention, and his mouth calleth for strokes. 7A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.' The fool's mouth utters [speaks] such foolish things, most [people] would conclude [decide][that] he [the fool] needs a whipping [beating]! His mouth is his destruction. How could he ever hope to win an argument with a wise man?
"e. Ecc. 10:12-14 -- The fool is not even in the same category as the wise man. How could he ever win a debate?
"f. The wise man has all the knowledge and all the answers and the fool does not.
"g. However, Proverbs 29:9 seems to indicate that arguing with a fool is NOT a slam dunk for the wise man. In fact, this proverb encourages the wise man to think twice before even entering into a debate with a fool.
"5. 'Whether he rage or laugh…'
"a. This implies that when arguing with a fool, he will either rage or laugh.
"b. There are two possible approaches a fool will take:
"• He might make a mockery out of the debate [i.e., make it seem foolish or absurd (ridiculous)] by laughing…
"» He will mock and ridicule [make fun of and belittle, in a deliberate and malicious (nasty) way] whatever the wise man says.
"» He will not take the debate seriously.
"» He will hope to get the onlookers [spectators, people who are watching] to side with him and laugh with him… because he is jovial [jolly] and laughing--and the wise man might be very serious-minded (not a 'fun' person)
"» He [the fool] will listen to the wise man's argument and rather than reasonably respond, he will simply laugh and mock… perhaps sprinkled with some name calling.
"» Prov. 10:23 -- 'It is as a sport to a fool to do mischief.' Some fools love to argue and ridicule their opponents. It's a game to them.
"» Prov. 14:9 -- 'Fools make a mock at sin.'
"• OR he [the fool] will become enraged [very angry] that someone has the audacity [boldness] to challenge him.
"» Prov. 27:2 [should be Proverbs 27:3] says that a 'fool's wrath is heavier than' a large stone or much sand.
"» A fool can get angry in a hurry. His wrath [anger, fury] can be quite potent and powerful.
"» Instead of a sane [sensible], logical argument where reason [the ability to think and make judgments] rules, it will degenerate [deteriorate] into a heated [or 'an intense'] quarrel that accomplishes nothing but fans the flames [stirs up feelings] of fury, rage, and perhaps violence.
"» Fools don't like to be confronted [challenged] or corrected!
"» Prov. 23:9 -- 'Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.'
"c. Either way, [King] Solomon implies that the fool argues on the basis of raw emotion rather than on reason, logic, or common sense."
Regarding why wise men have no rest when debating fools, Pastor Delany says:
"d. Fools don't enter into debates or discussions because they are seeking for the truth. They have a different agenda [reason].
"4. Prov. 26:4-5 -- 'Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. 5Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.'
"a. These two proverbs are put side by side for a reason.
"b. At first glance, they seem to contradict each other. First he [King Solomon, who wrote that proverb] says not to answer a fool… then he tells you to answer a fool.
"c. And Solomon gives good reasons for both [statements]!
"d. These two proverbs really make one point: you can't win in a conversation or an argument with a fool!
"e. If you answer him [the fool] -- you have stooped to his level and you become 'like' him.
"f. If you don't answer him -- then the fool considers that he has won the debate. He thinks that his arguments are irrefutable [impossible to deny or disprove]."
Proverbs 27:9: "Ointment[oil-based substances that are rubbed on the skin, such as lotions, creams, etc.]and perfume[especially when they smell good]rejoice the heart[which means they have a calming, soothing effect on people]: so doth[does]the sweetness of a man's[or woman's or child's]friend by[the giving of]hearty counsel[i.e., through that friend's heartfelt, caring advice][rejoice the counseled person's heart]."
In other words, having "sweet fellowship" with a close friend that we can confide in and receive good advice from usually makes us happy and content.
* * * * *
Salem Bible Church has a good commentary on this verse. Here's an excerpt:
"4. Sometimes counsel from a friend is like medicine.
"a. It may come in the form of correction or reproof [criticism for a fault].
"b. Medicine doesn't always go down very easily. It is often foul [horrible] tasting and foul smelling.
"c. As a teaspoon of sugar helps the medicine go down, so too [also] counsel and guidance and correction is often easier to swallow when it comes across as 'heartfelt' counsel.
"d. It adds a sweetness to the medicine (counsel) and makes it easier to swallow and digest.
"e. Two men can offer the same effective medicine to a young patient that will cure their ill [illness, sickness]. If one [medicine] is sweetened so that the child swallows it, then while the medicine is identical, the sweetened one is actually more effective: because the child took it and rejected [refused] the one without the sweetness.
"f. This proverb states that the same [thing] is true in giving counsel or advice.
"• When counsel comes from a friend (a trusted person; a person the one receiving the counsel knows is on his team) then it is easier to swallow… and more likely to be taken.
"• A person is less likely to follow the advice of someone who offers good advice in a bad manner.
"• Bedside manners matter with a doctor; so too manners matter in giving counsel and advice.
"• Good counsel should 'rejoice the heart' like ointment."
The next excerpt from the commentary relates to the Bible story that was told in Exodus 18:12-26. These verses were explained in detail in my "Verse of the Day" post on February 1, 2022; see note below (*) if you want to read it.
"5. The counsel Jethro offered to Moses was like ointment.
"a. Jethro offered to Moses an organizational plan and advised him how to carry out the administrative responsibilities for ruling and judging his people.
"b. Jethro gives counsel from wisdom attained [obtained] by age and/or experience.
"c. He [Jethro] saw that Moses was wearing himself out and would not be able to continue like that indefinitely. He needed help.
"d. Moses may have grown accustomed to doing it all himself and this counsel [advice][from Jethro] might have been a bitter pill [for Moses] if [it was] given heartlessly [lacking feeling, or without sympathy].
"e. However, Jethro was his [Moses'] father in law and offered this counsel from his heart. He genuinely wanted the best for Moses and his daughter. It came from an interested father… not a distant, uninterested, uncaring third party.
"f. Jethro wasn't talking down to Moses. He wasn't scolding. Rather, he offered a plan--advice--counsel.
"g. His counsel was heartfelt AND it was wise.
"h. Moses followed his [father-in-law's] advice… it was sweet like ointment."
*Please Note: Detailed explanations for the verses referred to above about Jethro offering Moses good advice can be found in the "Previous Verses" section of my website (https://www.mansioninheaven.com/Archives.html). Click on the link provided below, and then scroll down until you reach the date that is shown.
Proverbs 26:2: "As the bird[any small bird, especially a sparrow][does no harm]by wandering[flying around aimlessly], [and]as the swallow[another small bird][also does no harm]by flying[about, or to and fro, or back and forth], so the curse causeless[a curse spoken without reason, referring to idle (empty) threats made by others, vicious (cruel) words spoken by mean people, etc.]shall not come[to pass, or shall not come true, shall not happen, shall not reach its (or their) destination]."
According to Pastor Jim Delany of Salem Bible Church, "This proverb is designed to encourage the faint of heart [referring to people who are timid or fearful] … [and is also designed to] bring comfort to the hearts of those who worry needlessly about the 'causeless curse.'"
* * * * *
In his commentary, Pastor Delany explains what the word curse means (and also what it doesn't mean) when applied to Proverbs 26:2 and why [King] Solomon used birds to illustrate his point.
Near the end of the commentary, we are told the following:
"c. There are many timid souls [shy people] in the world who hear words of cursing and condemnation and take those words to heart [or accept them as true].
"• Ex[ample]: 'You're nothing but a dumb Irishman and you'll never amount to anything!'
"• A timid soul might take that to heart… and actually believe it… and it can become a self-fulfilling prophesy [meaning the person may unconsciously do things to make the statement come true].
"• Solomon says that since the curse is causeless and unfounded, it should not be feared.
"• It [the curse] will not come to pass. It is as harmless as a loud, chirping swallow [a small bird] flying overhead.
"b. What a good message [this is] for young people in the Facebook generation to hear [i.e., that 'the curse causeless shall not come'].
"• We have heard of several stories of young people who were threatened or cursed or ridiculed on the internet, and were so devastated [overwhelmed, traumatized, humiliated], they committed suicide.
"• To those [people who are being or have been] cursed and ridiculed, Solomon has words of encouragement: don't fear the mocker."
And we are reminded that:
"• Most of the things [that] we worry about never come to pass …"
We Should Consult God (Through Prayer) When Planning for the Future
James 4:13: "Go to now [hear this], ye [you] that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue [stay] there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain [make money, accumulate possessions, etc.]:"
James 4:14: "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow[you don't know what will happen tomorrow]. For what is your life? It is even a vapour [i.e., like gas or moisture floating in the air, such as steam, smoke, mist, fog, etc.], that appeareth [appears] for a little time, and then vanisheth away [disappears]."
James 4:15: "For that [reason--because you don't know what will happen in the future]ye ought to say[you should say instead], If the Lord will[if it is God's will], we shall live, and do this[thing], or that[thing]."
The following are examples, from James Burton Coffman's commentary, of assumptions that people make when they say something like, "To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain" (James 4:13):
"… Tomorrow ... Of course, we shall be alive and in health tomorrow. No emergency will arise, no sickness [will] lay us low [or keep us in bed], no sudden death [will] overtake us. Tomorrow is our apple, and we'll cut it up like we please.
"We will go into the city ... The weather will be good; transportation will be available; we shall meet with no accident; no car will be wrecked, [no] airplane [will] fall [out of the sky ... or crash], or train [will] derail; we shall arrive exactly as planned.
"And spend a year there ... Lodging [a place to stay] will be available to us, and at a price we can afford; no problems! No rioting shall break out; no epidemic shall occur; no war will break out; no disastrous fire will hinder [happen]; no earthquake will level the city; no flood will sweep it [the city--buildings, etc.] away. No thieves or robbers shall injure us!
"And trade ... Ah yes! Goods [products] will be available, and of the kind, quality and price we want; financing the operation will be no impediment [hindrance, obstacle]; there will be no shortages, no damaged freight, no ruined merchandise, no change in style or taste that would hinder trade; no city regulation, no competition, no shortage of labor - nothing will get in the way!
"And get gain ... Of course, buyers for our products will be plentiful; they will have the money; they will wish to purchase our goods, at a prince [price] substantially higher than we paid; the profits will roll in! …"
God "Rained Down Manna" to Feed the Jews in the Wilderness
In this psalm, we are reminded how God had protected the children of Israel, or Israelites (who were descendants of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob--see note below*), and provided for them in miraculous ways (i.e., by parting the sea, leading and protecting the people in a pillar of a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night,.giving the people water from a rock, preventing their shoes from wearing out, etc.) while they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years.
During that time, God also kept the people fed, but they didn't like what they got, so they complained to God and, although their unappreciativeness (and doubt and unbelief) made him angry, he met their demands for better food.
Psalm 78:17-18: "And they [the Jewish people, who were ungrateful to God for removing them from Egypt, where they always had plenty to eat] sinned yet more against him [God][than they had done while they were slaves in Egypt] by provoking the most High [God] in the wilderness [the desert]. And they tempted God in their heart [meaning they tested him] by asking [for] meat [certain types of food] for their lust [or 'to satisfy their cravings']."
Psalm 78:19-20: "Yea [yes], they [the people] spake [spoke] against God; they said, Can God furnish a table[filled with an assortment of food, as at a feast or banquet]in the wilderness? Behold, he [God] smote [struck] the rock, [so] that the waters gushed out, and the streams overflowed; can he give [us] bread also? can he provide flesh [meat] for his people?"
Psalm 78:21-22: "Therefore the LORD heard this, and was wroth [exasperated, infuriated, very angry--because they had doubted his power]: so a fire [the fire of his anger] was kindled against Jacob, and anger also came up against Israel [the Jews]; Because they believed not [didn't believe] in God [in this case, referring to his power or his promises], and [they] trusted not [didn't trust] in his salvation [or his power and willingness to save them]:"
Psalm 78:23-25: "Though he[God] had commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors of heaven, And had rained down manna[see note below**] upon them [the Jews]to eat, and had given them of the corn [or grain, as in wheat, referring to the manna, or 'bread'] of heaven. Man[mankind, or 'the people']did eat angels' food: he [God][also] sent them meat [food] to the full [meaning he sent them more than enough to satisfy their hunger and cravings]."
Psalm 78:26-28: "He [God] caused an east wind to blow in the heaven [or sky]: and by his power he brought in the south wind. He[God]rained flesh also upon them[the people]as[like]dust, and [he also rained] feathered fowls [birds][both of which (i.e., flesh and feathered fowls) refer to quails] like as the sand of the sea [in other words, God sent so many quails, their quantity is compared to the number of particles of dust on the ground and sand in the sea]: And he [God] let it [the 'shower' of quails] fall in the midst [middle] of their [the Israelites'] camp, round about [around] their habitations [living spaces, or 'near where the people were']."
Psalm 78:29: "So they did eat, and were well filled: for he [God] gave them their own desire [or 'what they wanted'];"
1 John 2:3-4: "And hereby [by this] we do know [for sure] that we know him [the Lord Jesus Christ, personally, meaning we know that we are truly saved, or born again], if we keep [obey] his commandments. He[or she]that saith[says], I know him[Jesus][as his (or her) personal Savior], and keepeth not[does not keep, or obey,]his commandments, is a liar, and the truth [of God] is not in him [or her]."
All true Christians--everyone who is saved according to the Bible (i.e., by faith alone, not good works or good deeds, per Ephesians 2:8-9)--should have a sincere desire to please God through obedience and love.
* * * * *
In his commentary on 1 John 2:3-5, Pastor Chuck Smith said:
"And hereby we do know that we know him [Jesus], if we keep his commandments ( 1 John 2:3 ).
"In the fourteenth chapter of the gospel of John, Jesus [God the Son, in human form] said, 'He [or she] that hath My commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me, and he who loves Me shall be loved of My Father [i.e., God the Father] and We will come and manifest Ourselves [or 'make ourselves known'] to him [or her]" ( John 14:21 ). He that hath My commandments and keepeth them. It isn't enough just to have the commandments; it is keeping the commandments. [the apostle] Paul said, "Hey, just because you have the law, don't think that you're justified [declared righteous in the sight of God]. It isn't the hearers of the law that are justified, but the doers of law that are justified' ( Romans 2:13 ).
"Jesus said, 'This is the commandment that I give unto you, that ye love one another' ( John 13:34-35 ). I can say, 'Oh yes, I have His [Jesus'] commandments, He told me to love one another,' and yet, you hate everybody. You see, having the commandment isn't enough. How can I know that I know Him [Jesus]? If I keep His commandment!
"Now he that saith, I know Him, and keeps not His commandments, is a liar, the truth is not in him ( 1 John 2:4 ).
"Now he that saith, I know Him, and keeps not His commandments, is a liar, the truth is not in him ( 1 John 2:4 ).
"Now, if I say I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Savior, then that very belief is going to bring about a certain style and manner of living. If I really believe it. Now, I can say I believe something that I don't really believe. And I may fool people into thinking that I believe something that I don't really believe, but I don't fool God. For true belief in Jesus Christ is going to be manifested [demonstrated, shown] my behavior. I cannot walk in darkness [or 'act like the devil'] and possess the light [or 'be a born-again Christian'].
"But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him ( 1 John 2:5 ).
"And so, basically, the whole commandment [of Jesus] comes down to this: love God and love each other. Love. 'He that loves,' [the apostle] Paul said, 'has fulfilled the law' ( Romans 13:8 ). And when he taught [about] love, he [Paul] said, 'Against such [thing] there is no law' (Galatians 5:23 ). It all comes down to loving, loving God first, supremely, and loving one another. That's where it's at, you do that [love God and love one another] and you done 'em all; you've kept them all [i.e., the commandments]. And that's basically what he, when he [Paul] talks about the commandment [of Jesus], he is talking about loving God and loving each other, and you can't do one without the other. They go together. He that loveth God ought to also love his brother [meaning other people]. He that saith that he loves God and hates his brother is a liar. How can you love God whom you've not seen and hate your brother whom you have seen who was made in the image of God? It's all in love.
"Hey, some people say, 'Oh, I have a rough time with the commandments of God.' Well, what's so rough about loving God and loving each other?' Now, you see, the 'Thou shalt nots' are all entailed [involved] in love. If you really love someone, you're not gonna lie against them, you're not going to steal from them, if you really love them. And so, thou shall not steal, thou shalt not bear false witness [i.e., knowingly state something that is untrue]. You see, they're all superfluous [unnecessary additions] if you love. If you really love God, you're gonna not take His name in vain, you're going to honor Him and keeps His days, [and keep] your life wholly unto Him, separate unto Him. All of the rest follows along with loving God supremely and loving each other. And so, whenever you deal with the commandments, don't try and go down and enumerate [itemize] the ten [basic (moral) commandments of God, referring to the Ten Commandments] or the longer list [of laws], just deal with the two [commandments of Jesus:]. Loving God supremely and loving each other. Keeps it simple that way.
"And so, how can I love someone who is so nasty and mean? I can't, but He [Jesus] loves them, and as I submit myself to Him, He can put His love in my heart for them. And the fruit of His Spirit abiding [enduring] in me is love. The love that suffers long and is kind, it envies not, vaunts not itself [or 'does not boast'], is not puffed up, and doesn't behave itself unseemly, doesn't seek his own, believes all things, bears all things, hopes all things, proves all things. A love that never fails, as the Spirit of God is in control in my life. [See note below.*]
"So, 'Whoso keeps [obeys] His [Jesus'] word, in Him verily [truly] is the love of God perfected.' Oh, that God's love would be perfected in life. Oh, how I pray for that. How I pray for that. And you know it can't [be perfected in life] until I've really come to the end of myself. The old flesh, the old man, crucified [put to death] with Christ. As long as I'm interested in me, and that's mine, that's my territory, and I'm, you know, drawing out my little area of territory, and don't you trespass, you know. The love of God is not yet perfected. Because the minute you come over on my territory, you're gonna get it, you know. You did that to me, you said that to me. How could you do that to me, you know. So interested in myself. God's love is not yet perfected in me. And the more God's love is perfected, the less there is of me, the self-life. …"
*Please Note: Detailed explanations for the verses about love that were mentioned in the above quote by Pastor Chuck Smith can be found in the "Previous Verses" section of my website (https://www.mansioninheaven.com/Archives.html). Click on the link provided below, and then scroll down until you reach the date that is shown.