"Verse of the Day" Bible Verses - Decemberr 2024
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Notes from Linda:

12/1/22: I just found out that most of the commentaries on the Bible Study Tools website are no longer free. That's where most of the quotes that appear on the "Verse of the Day" and "Previous Verses" pages of my website are taken from, so from now on, many of the "Source:" links that I provide on those pages will not contain the quoted text.

I was disgusted to read about the organization's new "PLUS" membership, and the only thing I can say about it is that the Bible has this warning in 1 Timothy 6:10 for the owner of Bible Study Tools: "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

Something is wrong with my Christian forum. Everything seems to be working normally (i.e., the articles are there, and the links work), but for some reason, the forum's format has changed slightly, and I am currently unable to post anything new.

I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully, the problem is only temporay and will be fixed soon.
"Verse of the Day"
Bible Verses

"Verse of the Day"
Bible Verses

Previous Month
December 2024

Proverbs 29:4: "The king [or ruler, or leader] by judgment [justice] establisheth [establishes] the land [country]: but he [or she] that receiveth [receives, accepts] gifts [or, in this case, 'bribes'] overthroweth [overthrows, destroys] it [the land]."

Salem Bible Church has an excellent commentary on Proverbs 29:4. According to the pastor, Jim Delany: "This proverb speaks of the effect of leadership in a country. … The contrast is between a king who rules with justice vs. a king who operates on the basis of bribes."

Here are some excerpts from the commentary:

"4. Note that it is the KING who is deciding the legal case.

"a. In Israel there was not as clear a line between functions of government as we have in America.

[In America,] We have a distinct [separate] executive branch, legislative branch, and judicial branch [see note below*].

"c. Often
[in Israel] the king would function as all three [things].
"• We read of Moses and
[King] Solomon functioning [acting] as judges (like the Supreme Court) and deciding cases brought before them.
"• Kings could also establish laws by decree
[i.e., by an order, command, or proclamation].
"• In the Jewish mind, the concepts
[ideas] of judging and ruling were often blurred or blended together.
"• A king had much more power than a president. They
[the kings] often had the power of life and death.
"• You can see why they
[the Israelites] would want their king to execute judgment (justice) in the land.
"• They wanted the king to be fair and just in all of his decisions they made, because those decisions directly affected the everyday lives of the people.
"• I Tim.2:1-2 -- That's why we are commanded to pray for those
[people] in positions of leadership today. Their decisions affect us too!"

Paragraph 3 of the commentary says:

"e. There is a great benefit from having a righteous
[morally right, virtuous] ruler.

"f. The point of the proverb is that leadership matters.
"• With a righteous leader, the country is growing and being raised up rather than being run down.
"• With a righteous leader, the people are happy.
"• With a righteous leader, the evil men have to hide.
"• With a righteous leader, the country is strong, stable
[secure], and enduring [long-lasting]."

"1. In the second part of the proverb
[Proverbs 29:4] Solomon compares the king who rules in justice to a king who operates on the basis of bribes and greed."

Paragraph 3 says:

"a. The king who receives bribes and operates for his own personal interest (greed) overthrows the country."

"d. A greedy king ruins his country. He leaves it in shambles… like an old barn you might see in the country that has been abandoned and is falling apart. Or perhaps like a crumbling foundation."

"4. Rehoboam is an example of such a king
[i.e., a greedy one]. (I Kings 12:8-11,16)

"a. Rehoboam was
[King] Solomon's son. He should have read these proverbs that his father wrote.

"b. But Rehoboam operated on the basis of greed.

"c. Solomon levied
[imposed] huge taxes and fees against the people to support his building projects--including the Temple.

"d. But now the building projects were completed. There was no need for such taxes.

"e. However, Rehoboam chose to listen to the young men who convinced him to continue collecting huge taxes
[and] revenues [amounts of money] from the people in order to amass [accumulate] great wealth [riches].

"f. He did so, and overthrew the country. The people rebelled and there was a split between North and South
[i.e., the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah] and almost a civil war.

"g. On the other hand,
[King] Solomon his [Rehoboam's] father was wise, fair, and just. Under his [Solomon's] reign, Israel experienced the 'golden years' of peace and prosperity [success in terms of health, wealth, and happiness]."

5. The contrast here is obvious:

a. The righteous king ESTABLISHES his land. (Righteousness exalts
[lifts up] a nation.)

b. The greedy king OVERTHROWS his country. It is not growing and prospering as a result of his reign. It is brought to the brink
[edge] of disaster.

"6. Consider some GREEDY RULERS in more modern times:
[Note: These statements were current when the commentary was written.]

"a. Jan. 28, 2011 President Mubarak of Egypt had a stash [stockpile] worth 40 billion dollars as his personal worth has grown over the decades of years as a dictator, or what he stole from the Egyptian people has risen to epic proportions [meaning it has become a very large amount].

"b. Mohamed Suharto of Indonesia is worth $15-30 billion. His salary is a mere $1,764 per month. But by installing his six kids
[children] as the middlemen in every conceivable state company, the family became wealthy beyond description!

"c. Ferdinand Marcos,
[president of] the Philippines was worth about $5-10 billion. Ferdinand Marcos and wife Imelda fled the Philippines with suitcases stuffed full of cash, jewelry and gold bricks. After more than 20 years in power, they left the Philippines [as] one of the world's poorest countries, yet this devious duo [or 'this dishonest couple'] had Swiss bank accounts crammed with $5 billion dollars or more.

"d. Then there was Jean-Claud (Baby Doc) Duvalier of Haiti. And the list goes on and on.

"7. Thankfully, there is a coming King
[i.e., Jesus Christ] who WILL rule and reign in justice and judgment! [see note below**]"

If you want to read the above-mentioned commentary, here's the link: https://www.salembible.org/proverbs-index/proverbs-29-index/proverbs-29_4/,

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*According to the "AI Overview" on Google:

"The three branches of the United States government are the legislative, executive, and judicial branches:

"•  Legislative: Makes laws

"•  Executive: Carries out laws

"•  Judicial: Evaluates laws

"The Constitution establishes these branches to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. This system of checks and balances ensures that the government is effective and citizens' rights are protected.

"Here are some more details about each branch:


"Congress, made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives, creates laws. Congress also approves treaties, regulates trade, and controls money.


"The president, vice president, Cabinet, and most federal agencies enforce laws. The president can also veto laws, declare states of emergency, and appoint Supreme Court justices.


"The Supreme Court and other federal courts interpret laws, apply them to individual cases, and decide if they violate the Constitution. The judicial branch also hears appeals from state courts and federal appellate courts."

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**For information on what will happen when Jesus returns to earth, read the following articles:

-- "What will happen when Jesus returns?"

-- "What is the purpose of the thousand-year reign of Christ?"


The Wise Men Come to Bethlehem with Gifts for Jesus

Matthew 2:1-2: "Now when Jesus was born in Beth-lehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men
[probably more than three--see Note 1 below] from the east [most likely Persia, or modern-day Iran] to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews [i.e., Jesus]? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him."

Matthew 2:3-4: "When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled
[worried], and [so were] all [of the people of] Jerusalem with him. And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes [see Note 2 below] of the people together, he demanded of them [or 'asked them'] where [Jesus] Christ should be born."

Matthew 2:5-6: "And they
[the chief priests and scribes] said unto him [King Herod], [The Christ child will be born] In Beth-lehem of Judaea: for thus [or 'so'] it is written by the prophet [Micah, in Micah 5:2, speaking for God], And thou [you] Beth-lehem, in the land of Juda [Judah], art [are] not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee [you] shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel."

Matthew 2:7,8: "Then Herod, when he had privily
[privately] called the wise men, enquired [inquired, asked] of them diligently what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Beth-lehem, and said, Go and search diligently [carefully, persistently] for the young child; and when ye [you] have found him, bring me word again, [so] that I may come and worship him also [which wasn't true--Herod was lying]."

Matthew 2:9-10: "When they
[the wise men] had heard the king [say that], they departed [went away from] [Jerusalem]; and, lo [look! see!], the star [of Bethlehem--see Note 3 below], which they saw in the east, went before them, till [until] it came and stood over where the young child [Jesus] was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy."

Matthew 2:11: "And when they were come into the house
[not 'stable'], they saw the young child [Jesus] with Mary his mother, and fell down [on the ground], and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh [see Note 4 below]."

Matthew 2:12: "And being warned of
[by] God in a dream that they should not return to [King] Herod, they [the wise men] departed into [returned to] their own country another way."

Matthew 2:13: "And when they were
[or 'had'] departed [or 'after they left'], behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth [appeared] to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise [get up], and take the young child [Jesus] and his mother [Mary], and flee [run away] into Egypt, and be thou [or 'you be,' or 'stay'] there until I bring thee [you] word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him."

Matthew 2:14-15: "When he
[Joseph] arose, he took the young child [Jesus] and his mother [Mary] by night, and departed into Egypt: And [he--Joseph (and his family)] was there until the death of Herod: [so] that it might be fulfilled [that] which was spoken of the Lord [God] by the prophet [Hosea], saying [in Hosea 11:1], Out of Egypt have I [God] called my son."

Matthew 2:16: "Then
[King] Herod, when he saw that he was [or 'had been'] mocked of [ridiculed, or made fun of, by] the wise men, was exceeding wroth [very angry], and sent forth [soldiers], and slew [killed] all the children that were in Beth-lehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under [or 'younger'], according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men [because that's how old Jesus was at the time this occurred]."

Matthew 2:17-18: "Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy
[Jeremiah] the prophet [in Jeremiah 31:15--see Note 5 below], saying, In Rama [Ramah, a town near Bethlehem] was there a voice heard, lamentation [cries of grief], and weeping, and great mourning [sadness, sorrow], Rachel [in this case, representing many Jewish mothers] weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they [the children] are not [alive]."

Matthew 2:19-20: "But when
[King] Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeareth [appeared] in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, Saying, Arise [get up], and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead which sought the young child's life [referring to King Herod and his men]."

Matthew 2:21,22: "And he
[Joseph] arose, and took the young child [Jesus] and his mother [Mary], and came into the land of Israel. But when he heard that Archelaus did reign [rule] in Judaea in the room of his father Herod [or 'as his father's successor], he was afraid to go thither [there]: notwithstanding, being warned of [by] God in a dream, he turned aside into the parts of Galilee:"

Matthew 2:23: "And he
[Joseph--and his family] came and dwelt [lived] in a city called Nazareth: [so] that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He [Jesus] shall be called a Nazarene [see Note 6 below]."


are defined in the following article: "Who were the scribes that often argued with Jesus?" To read it, click here:

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The fact that no one knows for sure how many wise men there actually were is explained in the following article: "What does the Bible say about the three wise men (Magi)?"  If you want to read it, here's the link:

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GotQuestions.org has an interesting article that answers the question "What was the star of Bethlehem?" Here's the link:

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The meaning of each of the wise men's gifts is detailed in the following article: "Why did the Magi bring gold, frankincense, and  myrrh to Jesus?" You can find it here:

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Jeremiah's prophecy as applied to the murder of little boys under the age of two in Bethlehem is explained in the article entitled: "How does Jesus fulfill the prophecy that begins 'a voice was heard in Ramah' (Matthew 2:18)?" Here's the link:

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"What prophecy is Matthew 2:23 referring to regarding Jesus being a Nazarene?" is answered in the GotQuestions.org article by the same name. If you want to read it, here's the link:


Jesus' Birth Was Accompanied by Fear, Joy, and Praise to God

Luke 2:6-7: "And so it was, that, while they
[Mary and Joseph] were there [in Bethlehem], the days were accomplished that she [the virgin Mary] should be delivered [of her child, meaning it was time for her pregnancy to end]. And she brought forth [gave birth to] her firstborn son [Jesus], and wrapped him in swaddling clothes [see note below*], and laid him in a manger [a feeding trough for animals]; because there was no room for them in the inn [see note below**]."

Luke 2:8: "And there were in the same country
[i.e., Judea, the area around Bethlehem, where Mary and Joseph had gone to be 'taxed'--or, in this case, counted in the census,] shepherds abiding [dwelling, living, residing] in the field, [taking turns] keeping watch over their flock by night [to prevent the sheep from straying (wandering) and to protect them from wild animals and thieves]."

Luke 2:9: "And, lo
[see], the angel of the Lord [perhaps Gabriel] came upon [stood over or appeared to] them [the shepherds], and the glory of the Lord [an extremely bright light] shone round about [around] them: and they were sore afraid [or frightened, terrified, filled with fear]."

Luke 2:10-11,12: "And the angel said unto them
[the shepherds], Fear not [don't be afraid]: for, behold, I bring you good tidings [news] of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David [i.e., in Bethlehem] a [referring to the promised and long-awaited] Saviour, which is [Jesus] Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you [shepherds]; Ye [you ] shall find the babe [baby, infant, newborn child] wrapped in swaddling clothes, [and] lying in a manger."

Luke 2:13-14: "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude
[large number] of the heavenly host [group of angels] praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest [heavens], and on earth peace [because Jesus' future death on the cross to pay for 'the sin of the world' (as stated by John the Baptist in John 1:29, meaning all of the sins of everyone in the world--past, present, and future) would make it possible for us to have peace with God and with one another], [and also, on earth,] good will toward men [mankind, all human beings]."

*According to online dictionaries, swaddling clothes are narrow bands of cloth formerly wrapped around a newborn child to restrain [limit] its movements and quiet it.

The reason Mary wrapped her son in swaddling clothes is explained in the article entitled "What does it mean that baby Jesus was wrapped in swaddling clothes?" If you want to read it, here's the link:

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**"Where was Jesus born?" discusses why there was no room at the inn and why baby Jesus was placed in a manger. If you want to read it, here's the link: https://www.gotquestions.org/where-was-Jesus-born.html.

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Although the Bible mentions what happened on the day that Jesus was born, it does not state the date of his birth. GotQuestions.org has written an article in response to the questions "Was Jesus born on December 25? Is December 25 Jesus' birthday?" If you want to read it, here's the link: https://www.gotquestions.org/December-25.html.


Names of (or Descriptive Titles for) Jesus and Their Meanings

Following his vision of future events, the Old Testament prophet Isaiah wrote this about the birth of the Savior:

Isaiah 9:6: "For unto us
[both the Jewish people and everyone else in the world,] [for our benefit,] a child [named Jesus] is born [of (to) the virgin Mary], [and] unto us a son [the Lord Jesus Christ--Son of God (or God the Son) and Messiah] is given [by God the Father, to become a sacrifice for the sins of the world (i.e., Jesus' reason for coming to earth was to die on the cross to pay for our sins, save us from hell, and purchase the gift of eternal life)]: and the government shall be upon his [Jesus'] shoulder [because he will eventually be crowned King]:

and his
[Jesus'] name shall be called

[because he will inspire wonder, amazement, and adoration due to the circumstances surrounding his birth, death, resurrection, and everything that he'll do throughout his life],

[because he will have great wisdom and consequently will be highly qualified to guide and direct the entire human race],

The mighty God
[because he will be both human and divine (i.e., fully God and fully man); in other words, he'll be 'God in the flesh'--see note below*],

The everlasting Father
[because he will rule over his people forever],

The Prince of Peace
[because he will be the true source of peace, meaning peace with God, and peace with people]."

*For an explanation of why Isaiah said that Jesus would be called "The mighty God," read "Is Jesus God in the flesh?" You can find it here: https://www.gotquestions.org/God-in-the-flesh.html.

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GotQuestions.org also has articles on all four names that are mentioned in today's verse. They are as follows:

-- "What does it mean that Jesus is our Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6)?"

-- "What does it mean that Jesus is 'Mighty God' (Isalah 9:6)?"

-- "What is the meaning of 'Everlasting Father' in Isaiah 9:6?"

-- "What does it mean that Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)?"


Before Jesus is Born, Mary and Joseph Travel to Bethlehem to be Taxed

Luke 2:1-3: "And it came to pass in those days
[when the virgin Mary was pregnant], that there went out a decree [an official order] from Caesar Augustus [the Roman emperor], that all the world [referring to everyone in the land of Palestine] should be taxed [see note below*]. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all [of the people] went to be taxed, every one into his own city."

Luke 2:4-5: "And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David
[i.e., where King David was born], which is called Beth-lehem; (because he [Joseph] was of the house and lineage of David [meaning he was a descendant of King David]:) [he (Joseph) went there] To be taxed with Mary his [fianceé, or] espoused [soon-to-be] wife, being great [or heavy or big] with child [meaning she was in the last stage of pregnancy]."

*According to Albert Barnes:

"… Our word 'tax' means to levy and raise money for the use of the government. This is not the meaning of the original word here. It means rather to 'enroll' or take a 'list' of the citizens, with their employments
[jobs], the amount of their property, etc., equivalent to what was meant by census …"

(Source: https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/bnb/luke-2.html, "Verse 1")


While Pregnant With Jesus, Mary Visits Her Cousin Elizabeth

This took place soon after the virgin Mary was informed by the angel Gabriel that she had been chosen to give birth to the Messiah (God's Son, Jesus). At the time, Elizabeth was six months pregnant with John the Baptist (see note below*).

Luke 1:39-40:  "And
[the virgin] Mary arose [got up and started out on a journey] in those days [i.e., during her early pregnancy], and went into the hill country [of Judea, or Judah] with haste [quickly], into a city of Juda [probably, the city of Hebron]; And entered into the house of Zacharias [Elizabeth's husband], and saluted [greeted] [her cousin] Elisabeth."

Luke 1:41-42: "And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation
[greeting] of Mary, the babe [baby, referring to Elizabeth's unborn child, who would later be called John the Baptist] leaped in her [Elizabeth's] womb [uterus]; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost [or 'Holy Spirit']: And she spake out [spoke out, cried out, exclaimed] with a loud voice, and said [to Mary], Blessed art thou [blessed (and to be honored) are you] among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy [your] womb [referring to baby Jesus]."

Luke 1:43-44,45: "And whence
[from where] is this to me [Elizabeth] [or 'why is it'], that the mother of my Lord [referring to Mary, who was the mother of the Lord Jesus Christ] should come to [visit] me? For, lo [take note:], as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine [my (Elizabeth's)] ears, the babe [or 'my baby' (John)] leaped in my womb for joy. [Note: This was not a normal 'kick' from an unborn child.] And blessed [happy] is she [referring to Mary] that believed [the angel Gabriel]: for there shall be a performance [fulfillment] of those things which were told [to] her [Mary] from the Lord [i.e., that she would conceive and give birth to the Son of God]."

Luke 1:46-47: "And Mary said, My soul doth
[does] [or 'I do'] magnify [praise] the Lord [God], And my spirit hath [has] rejoiced in God my Saviour [referring to Mary's soon-to-be firstborn child, Jesus, who was (and is and always will be) the Messiah and Savior of the world]."

Like Mary and her cousin Elisabeth, we all need a Savior to pay our sin debt. That's why Jesus was born.

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In his commentary, Albert Barnes wrote:

"… From these expressions of Elizabeth
[i.e., 'blessed is she that believed,' in Luke 1:45,] we may learn:

"I. That the spirit of prophecy had not entirely ceased
[ended] among the Jews.

"II. That the Holy Spirit is the source of light, comfort, and joy.

"III. That everything about the birth of Jesus was remarkable, and that he must have been more than a mere
[or 'normal'] man.

"IV. That the prospect of the coming of the Messiah
[to earth] was one of great joy and rejoicing to ancient saints [older believers]; and,

"V. That it was a high honor to be 'the mother' of him that should redeem
[die to save] mankind [human beings].

"It is from 'that honor' that the Roman Catholics have determined that it is right to worship the Virgin Mary and to offer prayers to her - an act of worship as idolatrous as any that could be offered to a creature
[created being]. Because:

"I. It
[worshiping Mary] is not anywhere commanded in the Bible.

"II. It is expressly forbidden to worship any being
[any living thing] but God, [as stated in] Exodus 34:14; Exodus 20:4-5; Deuteronomy 6:13-14; Isaiah 45:20.

"III. It is idolatry to worship or pray to a creature.

"IV. It is absurd
[ridiculous] to suppose that the Virgin Mary can be in all places at the same time to hear the prayers of thousands [of people] at once, or to aid [assist, help] them. There is no idolatry more gross [outrageous], and of course more wicked, than to worship the creature [created being] more than the Creator [God], Romans 1:25."

(Source: https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/bnb/luke-1.html,"Verse 45")

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*For background information on Elizabeth, read "What is the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth?" Here's the link: https://www.gotquestions.org/Zechariah-and-Elizabeth.html.


Joseph Discovers That His Fiancée (the Virgin Mary) is Pregnant

Matthew 1:18: "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise
[in this manner]: When as his [Jesus'] mother [the virgin] Mary was espoused [engaged to be married] to Joseph, before they came together [sexually, as husband and wife], she was found [to be] with child of the Holy Ghost [meaning she was found to be pregnant with baby Jesus, whom the Holy Spirit had created (formed) in her womb (uterus)]."

Matthew 1:19: "Then Joseph
[who was] her [Mary's] [future] husband, being a just [or kind, tender, merciful] man, and [because he was] not willing to make her a publick [public] example [meaning he didn't want to embarrass Mary, humiliate her publicly, or cause her harm--see note below*], [he] was minded [had decided] to put her away [or 'separate himself from her'] privily [privately] [by breaking off their engagement]."

Matthew 1:20,21: "But while he
[Joseph] thought on [about] these things, behold, the angel of the Lord [probably Gabriel] appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou [you] son [or--in this case--descendant] of [King] David, fear not [don't be afraid] to take unto thee [yourself] Mary [as] thy [your] wife: for that [baby] which is conceived in her is of [by] the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth [give birth to] a son, and thou shalt [you shall] call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people [referring, at that time, to the Israelites, or Jewish people] from their sins [which was Jesus' main reason for coming to earth]."

Matthew 1:22,23: "Now all this was done,
[so] that it might be fulfilled [brought about] [that] which was spoken of [by] the Lord [God] [and prophesied] by the prophet [Isaiah, in Isaiah 7:14], saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."

Matthew 1:24-25: "Then Joseph being raised from sleep
[or 'having been awakened'] did as the angel of the Lord had bidden [instructed] him, and took unto him [Mary as] his wife: And knew her not [did not have sex with her] till [until after] she had brought forth [given birth to] her firstborn [child, a] son: and he [Joseph] called his [the baby's] name JESUS."

*Thankfully, we don't live in Bible times because, as Albert Barnes noted in his commentary on Matthew 1:19:

"… Adultery has always been considered a crime of a very heinous
[evil or wicked] nature. In Egypt, it was punished by cutting off the nose of the adulteress [the woman who had committed adultery]; in Persia, the nose and ears [of the adulteress] were cut off; in Judea, the punishment was death by stoning … This punishment was also inflicted [used] where the person was not married, but betrothed [engaged] … In this case, therefore, the regular punishment would have been death [for Mary] in this painful and ignominious [disgraceful, shameful] manner. Yet Joseph was a religious man - mild and tender [gentle and kind]; and he was not willing to complain of [about] her [Mary] to the magistrate [someone who administers the law, like a judge], and expose her to death, but sought to avoid the shame, and to put her away privately."

(Source: https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/bnb/matthew-1.html, "Verse 19")


Exciting News for the Virgin Mary: She Was Chosen to Give Birth to God's Son

When Elisabeth was six months pregnant with John the Baptist, an angel was sent to the city of Nazareth to deliver an important message to Elisabeth's cousin Mary, a virgin who was betrothed to, or engaged to marry. a man named Joseph.

Luke 1:30-31: "And the angel
[Gabriel] said unto her [the virgin Mary], Fear not [don't be afraid], Mary: for thou hast [you have] found favour [favor] with God. And, behold, thou shalt [you shall] conceive [a child] in thy [your] womb [uterus] [which meant that she would become pregnant], and bring forth [give birth to] a son [who is the promised Messiah of Israel and the Savior of the world], and [you] shalt [shall] call his name JESUS [meaning 'Jehovah (the Lord) is Salvation']."

Luke 1:32,33: "He
[Jesus] shall be great [in word and deed (i.e., the things that he says and does), and in power, wisdom, influence, etc.], and shall be called the Son of the Highest [or 'the Son of God']: and the Lord God shall give unto him [Jesus] the throne [kingdom] of his [Jesus'] [earthly] father [referring to Jesus' ancestor, King] David [note: Mary and Joseph (Jesus' earthly mother and father) were both related to King David, which meant that Jesus would also be a descendant of King David and consequently could inherit his throne--see note below*]: And he [Jesus] shall reign [rule] over the house [family] of Jacob [referring to all of the descendants of Jacob, who were also known as the children of Israel,] for ever; and of his [Jesus'] kingdom [both on earth and in heaven, which includes all born-again Christians] there shall be no end."

Luke 1:34: "Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be
[or 'how can I become pregnant and bear a child'], seeing [that] I know not [have not known, or--in this case--have not had sexual relations with] a man?"

Luke 1:35: "And the angel answered and said unto her
[Mary], The Holy Ghost [the Holy Spirit] shall come upon thee [you], and the power of the Highest [or 'the most high God'] shall overshadow thee [which meant that Jesus' earthly body would be created supernaturally, by the power of God--see note below**]: therefore also that holy thing [or 'that holy child'] which shall be born of thee [referring to baby Jesus] shall be called the Son of God [in regard to his human nature]."

*The article entitled "What does it mean that Jesus is the Son of David?" explains Jesus' relationship to King David. If you want to read it, here's the link: https://www.gotquestions.org/Jesus-son-of-David.html.

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**Definition of overshadow, according to Strong's Concordance:

"… Used of the Holy Spirit exerting creative energy upon the womb of the virgin Mary and impregnating it (a use of the word which seems to have been drawn from the familiar OT
[Old Testament] idea of a cloud as symbolising [symbolizing, representing] the immediate presence and power of God)"

(Source: https://www.godrules.net/library/kjvstrongs/kjvstrongsluk1.htm, "1:35," "overtshadow--1982")

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Regarding the virgin birth, Donald C. Flemming, a Bible commentator, wrote:

"… Mary's pregnancy would come about not through any sexual relations with Joseph, but through the direct creative power of the Spirit of God
[i.e., the Holy Spirit]. The son born to her [Mary] would be of Adam's race [i.e., the human race] but free of [or 'without'] any trace of Adam's sin. He [Jesus] would not be one whom God merely adopted as his son, but one who was actually God's Son …"

(Source: https://www.studylight.org/commentary/luke/1-30.html, "Bridgeway Bible Commentary")


The apostle John wrote:

John 1:14: "And the Word
[the living Word--Jesus Christ, Son of God (or God the Son), and second person of the Trinity--see Note 1 below] was made flesh [became a human being], and dwelt [lived on earth] among us [the Jewish people], (and we [referring to Peter, James, and John when they witnessed the transfiguration of Jesus--see Note 2 below] beheld [observed, saw] his [Jesus'] [heavenly] glory [i.e., the magnificence of his divine nature, or the way that he appears in heaven], the glory as of the only [person on earth who was ever] begotten of [brought forth directly from God] the Father,) [see Note 3 below] [and who (referring to Jesus) is] full of grace and truth."


"What does the Bible teach about the Trinity?" is answered in the GotQuestions.org article by the same name. If you want to read it, here's the link:

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For information about the transfiguration, read "What was the meaning and importance of the transfiguration?" Here's the link:

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During the incarnation, baby Jesus was conceived (placed in the virgin Mary's uterus, or womb) by the Holy Ghost, which meant that God was his father, Consequently, Jesus retained (kept) his divine (godly) nature. And because Mary was his mother, Jesus inherited a human nature from her. That is why we are told that Jesus is both God and man.

This is explained more fully in the following article: "What does incarnate mean? How was Jesus God incarnate?" If you want to read it, here's the link:


Psalm 34:7: "The angel of the LORD [i.e., an angel sent by God to protect his people] encampeth round about [encamps or 'pitches his tent' around] them that fear him [God, referring to born-again Christians], and [the angel] delivereth [delivers] them [the Christians] [from evil, harm, danger]."

According to this verse, when his people are in trouble or headed for trouble, God sends one or more of his guardian angels to rescue them.


Proverbs 14:9: "Fools [morally foolish people, who apparently have no conscience] make a mock at [laugh at, ridicule, joke about, make fun of] sin [and sinful things, and they also make fun of: hell and the lake of fire, God and those who love him, salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ, etc.]: but among the righteous [people] [i.e., those with a right attitude about sin, meaning they hate it because God says it's bad] there is favour [of, or approval from and acceptance by, God--and people, too]."

According to Pastor Jim Delany of Salem Bible Church: "Fools live in sin and make light of it [or treat it as unimportant]… eventually, they [the fools] will pay a price. But the righteous [people] lead godly lives and find the favor of God."

The pastor's commentary on today's verse gives some examples of the price that fools pay for mocking sin. They include jail time, physical suffering, and illness for a sinful lifestyle. Pastor Delany also notes that "… it can be a waste of time to attempt to correct a mocker… a scorner… you will just cause more trouble. Sad but true. When a person has arrived at a place where they have no conscience… no sensitivity to God or spiritual things… and they laugh them
[God and spiritual things] to scorn--attempting to correct that man is often a waste of time."

If you want to read the above-mentioned commentary, here's the link: https://www.salembible.org/proverbs-index/proverbs-14-index/proverbs-14_9/.

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In "The Biblical Illustrator," another Bible commentator said:

"I. What is it to mock at sin? Sin is the transgression
[violation] of the law; [it involves] doing what God forbids [prohibits], or omitting [failing, neglecting] to do what He [God] commands. The term 'mock,' as applied to the law of God, may include ridiculing [it--the law], trifling with [or treating as unimportant] its authority and sanctions [punishments], or palliating [covering up] and excusing the breach [violation, breaking] of it [the law]."

He goes on to explain:

"1. There are some
[people] who scoff [ridicule], openly profane [disrespect], and set at defiance [resistance] the law of God. Of these [people,] there are two classes, the one [group who are] urged by their sensual appetites [i.e., their desire for pleasurable things], the other by their intellectual pride [or being proud of how much they know]. There are others who see the necessity of a certain attention to moral conduct, but [who] look with a sullen [bad-tempered, gloomy], contemptuous [scornful], sceptical [doubtful] eye upon revelation.

"2. There are some
[people] who mock at sin by ' trifling' with it. They suffer almost anything to set aside obedience to God; they expose themselves unnecessarily to temptation; they frequent [habitually visit] companies and places, involve themselves in employments [types or work], which are likely to lead them to sin, and yet [they] mock at the idea of danger from them. They do not give the law of God, in reference to the regulation of their daily conduct [behavior], a thought either one way or the other.

"3. There are others who may be said to mock at sin by 'excusing and palliating it.' They contend
[claim] that there is more good than evil in the world. They think the gospel dispensation [the period of time in which we are living now] has lowered the requirements of the law …"

(Source: https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/tbi/proverbs-14.html, "Verse 9," "The folly of mocking at sin")

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In another commentary on the above verse, John Gill wrote:

"Fools make a mock at sin,.... At sinful actions, their own or others; they make light of them,
[or] a jest of them [meaning they joke about them], [they] call evil good, and good evil; [they] take pleasure in doing them [sinful actions] themselves, and in those [people] that do them [those sinful things]; yea [yes], [they] sport [amuse] themselves with the mischief that arises from them [i.e., the people doing bad things or the bad things that are done] unto others; they make a mock at [or 'make fun of'] reproofs [expressions of disapproval] for them, and [they] scoff at [or 'ridicule'] those [people] that instruct and rebuke [criticize[ them; and [they] laugh at a future state [of torment in hell and the lake of fire], and an awful judgment they are warned of [which will occur in heaven on judgment day], and in a scoffing [mocking] manner [they] say, "where is the promise of his [Jesus'] coming [back to earth a second time]? …"

(Source: https://www.studylight.org/commentary/proverbs/14-9.html, "Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible")


This message from God was delivered to the people of Israel (and to everyone else in the world) by God's prophet Jeremiah:

Jeremiah 23:1: "Woe
[great sorrow or distress shall] be unto the pastors [in this case, referring to both religious and government leaders] that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! [referring to the people of Israel (comparing them to sheep), and also to born-again Christians] saith [says] the LORD."

Jeremiah 23:2: "Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel against the pastors that feed
[lead, guide, direct] my people; Ye [you] have scattered my flock [my people], and [have] driven them away, and have not visited [or paid attention to] them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings [deeds], saith the LORD."

Jeremiah 23:3: "And I will gather the remnant
[remainder, or survivors] of my flock out of all countries whither [to which] I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds [safe places, just as a sheepfold is a pen or shelter for sheep]; and they shall be fruitful [fertile] and [shall] increase [in number]."

Jeremiah 23:4: "And I will set up shepherds
[rulers and leaders] over them [the sheep] which shall feed them: and they [the sheep] shall fear no more, nor be dismayed [alarmed, worried], neither shall they [any of the sheep] be lacking [missing or lost], saith the LORD."

God punishes and gets rid of false prophets and wicked rulers, who mislead and/or neglect or refuse to feed, care for, and protect his people.

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Regarding Jeremiah 23:1, Charles Spurgeon wrote:

"… What a dreadful woe this is upon all false shepherds, -- those who profess
[claim] to be sent of [by, from] God to instruct the people, but who are not sent of God at all, whose labours [labors, efforts] only result in the scattering of the sheep, and destroying them, instead of gathering them to [Jesus] Christ for their salvation! …"

(Source: https://www.truthaccordingtoscripture.com/commentaries/spe/jeremiah-23.php, "Verses 1-32")


Someday, We'll All Worship the Lord Jesus Christ

Philippians 2:9: "Wherefore
[for the reasons described in the preceding verses (Philippians 2:5-6,7,8); i.e., as a reward for the humiliation and suffering that Jesus endured when he became a man and died on the cross to pay for our sins] God [the Father] also hath [has] highly exalted [honored] him [Jesus], and [has] given him a name which is above [or 'which is greater or more excellent than'] every [other] name [in the universe]:"

Philippians 2:10-11: "
[so] That at the name of Jesus [i.e., in recognition of his authority] every knee should bow [bend] [in worship of him], of things [referring to the bowing of knees of all beings, including people and angels] in heaven, and things [all beings] in earth, and things [all beings] under the earth; And [so] that every tongue [mouth] should confess [either willingly or unwillingly] that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father [thus bringing honor to Almighty God]."

Many people refuse to do so now, but someday in the future, everyone in heaven and everyone on and under the earth, whether living or dead, will "bow the knee" to Jesus and call him "Lord."


Colossians 3:16: "Let the word of Christ [or the doctrine of Christ, referring to Jesus and the things that he did and taught, as recorded in the Bible] dwell in you [in your heart and mind] richly [abundantly] in all wisdom [or 'producing the spirit of true wisdom,' which happens, after salvation, when we memorize scripture (Bible verses) and try to obey God's commands]; [and use this wisdom when] teaching [one another--about the Bible] and admonishing one another [as in Christian counseling; i.e., when warning, advising, or correcting fellow believers, in order to assure their spiritual well-being] [and] in [singing] psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace [thanks] in your hearts to the Lord."

Perhaps this quote from Adam Clarke (with slightly different wording) will help make the above verse easier to understand:

"… Let the doctrine of Christ dwell richly among you; teaching and admonishing each other in all wisdom; singing with grace in your hearts unto the Lord, in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs …"

(Source: https://www.studylight.org/commentary/colossians/3-16.html, "Clarke's Commentary")

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As you may know (since I've quoted him a lot in the "Verse of the Day" section of my website), Pastor Jim Delany of Salem Bible Church has done Bible studies on the entire book of Proverbs, but he also has done them for the book of Colossians. His commentary on the above verse is separated into eight parts (each of which, apparently, was taken from sermons that he preached to his congregation). If you want to read some or all of these excellent commentaries, here are the links:

-- 3:16a - "Indwelt by the Word of Christ"

-- 3:16b - "Let the Word of Christ Dwell in You RICHLY"

-- 3:16c - "The First Effect of the Indwelling Word"

-- 3:16d - "Singing: Second Effect of the Indwelling Word"

-- 3:16e - "Music That Pleases the Lord"

-- 3:16f - "Music That Pleases the Lord" (Continued)

-- 3:16g - "Music That Pleases the Lord" (Continued)

-- 3:16h - "Music That Pleases the Lord" (Continued)


Because he had many enemies, King David said this to God in prayer:

Psalm 56:3: "What time
[whenever] I am afraid, I will trust in thee [you] [for protection and help]."

Following King David's example, Christians can always look to God for help, especially when we find ourselves in danger and afraid.

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Albert Barnes commented on today's verse as follows:

"… I will trust in thee
[referring to God] - As one that is able to save, and one that will order all things as they should be ordered. It is only this that can make the mind calm in the midst [middle] of danger:

" (a) the feeling that God can protect us and save us from danger, and that he 'will' protect us if he sees fit
[or thinks it is right or appropriate];

"(b) the feeling that whatever may be the result, whether life or death, it will be such as God sees to be best - if 'life,' that we may be useful, and glorify his name yet upon the earth; if 'death,' that it will occur not because he had not 'power' to interpose
[intervene] and save, but because there were good and sufficient reasons why he should 'not' put forth his power on that occasion and rescue us.

"Of this we may be, however, assured, that God has 'power' to deliver us always, and that if
[we are] not delivered from calamity [disaster] it is not because he is inattentive [not paying attention], or has not power [i.e., does not have the power to do so]. And of this higher truth also we may be assured always, that he [God] has power to save us from that which we have most occasion to fear - a dreadful [terrifying] [place called] hell. It is a good maxim [saying] with which to go into a world of danger; a good maxim to go to sea with; a good maxim in a storm; a good maxim when in danger on the land; a good maxim when we are sick; a good maxim when we think of death and the judgment - 'What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.'

(Source: https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/bnb/psalms-56.html, "Verse 3")


When You Desire Answered Prayer

During the Last Supper, Jesus told his disciples (and all Christians) how to make sure that their (and our) prayers would (and will) be answered:

John 14:13
[Jesus said]: "And whatsoever [whatever] ye [you] shall ask in my [Jesus'] name [in faith, through prayer, according to the will of God--see Note 1 below], that will I do [or 'that is what I (Jesus) will give you'], [so] that [God] the Father [in heaven] may be glorified [honored, praised] in [through] the Son [of God (or God the Son), referring to himself (Jesus Christ)]."

John 14:14: "If ye shall ask
[for] any thing [see Note 2 below] in my name, I [Jesus] will do it [meaning he will answer your prayer]."

Commenting on these verses, Charles Spurgeon said:

"… There are some of God's children
[i.e., born-again Christians] who have little power with him [God] in prayer, -- some who walk so disorderly [disobediently] that, since they do not listen to God's words, he will not listen to theirs. Yet he [God] will give them necessaries, as you give [them] even to your naughty and disobedient children; but he will not give them [the disobedient Christians] the luxury of prevailing [persuasive] prayer, and that full fellowship with him [God] which comes through abiding in [or having a close relationship with] him. Such luxuries he saves for his obedient children …"

(Source: https://www.truthaccordingtoscripture.com/commentaries/spe/john-14.php, "Verses 1-21")

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The Bible says that at least two more things are necessary for answered prayer. In addition to asking for things "in Jesus' name," we must pray to God in faith (per James 1:6-7) and in accordance with his will (per 1 John 5:14-15).


Regarding what we can and should pray about, Matthew Henry said:

"… 'Ask any thing, any thing that is good and proper for you; any thing, provided you know what you ask, you may ask; you may ask for assistance
[help] in your work, for a mouth [to speak] and wisdom [to know what to say], for preservation out of the hands of [or 'protection from'] your enemies, for power to work miracles when there is occasion [or an opportunity to do so], for the success of the ministry in the conversion [or salvation] of souls; ask to be informed, directed, vindicated [cleared of blame or suspicion].' …"

(Source: https://www.biblestudytools.com/commentaries/matthew-henry-complete/john/14.html, "Verses 12-14," "(v. 13, 14)")


1 Corinthians 11:14: "Doth [does] not even nature itself [i.e., your instinctive feelings or judgments, a deep internal sense of what is right and wrong] teach you, that, if a man [or boy] have long hair, it is a shame unto him [or 'it is improper and disgraceful']?"

Regarding men's and women's hair, Matthew Henry wrote in his commentary:

"… 'Judge in yourselves--consult your own reason
[reasoning], hearken [pay attention] to what nature suggests--is it comely [suitable, something pleasant to look at] for a woman to pray to God uncovered [in regard to the hair on her head]? Should there not be a distinction [a difference between two similar things] kept up between the [male and female] sexes in wearing their hair [in certain hairstyles], since nature has made one [i.e., a distinction]? Is it not a distinction which nature has kept up among all civilized nations? The woman's hair is a natural covering [for her head]; to wear it [her hair] long is a glory [or 'an honor'] to her; but for a man to have long hair, or [to] cherish [adore, treasure] it, is a token [a sign, an indication] of softness and effeminacy [both of which are feminine (unmanly) characteristics or qualities]' …"

(Source: https://www.biblestudytools.com/commentaries/matthew-henry-complete/1-corinthians/11.html, "Verses 1-16," "(v. 13-15)")

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Here are two GotQuestions.org articles about today's verse:

-- "What does the Bible say about hair length?"

-- "Did Jesus have long hair?"


Jesus Began His Public Ministry by Being Baptized

Matthew 3:13: "Then cometh
[comes, or came] Jesus from Galilee [specifically, from Nazareth, the city where he had lived for nearly 30 years] to [the river] Jordan unto John [the Baptist], to be baptized of [by] him."

Matthew 3:14-15: "But John forbad
[refused] him [Jesus], saying, I have need to be baptized of thee [or 'by you'], and comest thou [you come] to me? And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer [allow] it to be so now: for thus it becometh [becomes] us [meaning it was suitable and proper for them to do that in order] to fulfil all righteousness [of the ceremonial law, by obeying God's commands]. Then he [John] suffered [permitted, allowed] him [Jesus] [to be baptized]."

Matthew 3:16,17: "And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway
[immediately] out of the water: and, lo [an exclamation meaning look, see, observe], the heavens were opened unto him [John the Baptist], and he saw the Spirit of God [the Holy Spirit] descending [coming down from heaven] like [or 'in the shape of'] a dove, and lighting [landing] upon him [Jesus]: And lo a voice from heaven [from God the Father] [was heard, probably by all who were there], saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

As you can see from these verses, all three persons of the Trinity were present during Jesus' baptism:

1. God the Father, speaking from heaven
2. God the Son (Jesus), in person
3. God the Holy Ghost, in the form of a dove

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In his commentary on Matthew 3:16, Albert Barnes said that the Holy Spirit probably appeared in the form of a dove because:

"… The dove, among the Jews, was the symbol of purity of heart, harmlessness, and gentleness … The form chosen here was doubtless
[no doubt] an emblem [or a symbol] of the innocence, meekness [humility], and tenderness of the Saviour [Jesus Christ] …"

(Source: https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/bnb/matthew-3.html, "Verse 16" - "The Spirit of God")

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Here are two articles that relate to today's verses:

-- "Why was Jesus baptized?"

-- "What does the Bible teach about the Trinity?"